Title IV, Part A

Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (SDFSCA)

of the No Child Left Behind Act (formerly IASA)

Annual Report Worksheet

School Year 2006-2007

Header Information

Contact Name:       _______________________________________

Contact Title:          _______________________________________

Contact e-mail address: _____________________________________

Contact Phone (_______):___________________________________

Section 1.  Schools and Students Served

Q1a.  Schools and Students Served by School Type. Please count only those schools at which services were funded in whole or in part by SDFSCA.

1)      During the school year, how many public schools in your district provided prevention services/activities to students, categorized by elementary schools, middle schools, and senior high schools?  See the Glossary for definitions of school type.


2)      Of the students enrolled in these public schools, how many students received services that were funded in whole or in part by SDFSCA? 


School Type[1]

# of Schools Providing Services funded by SDFSCA

2) # of Students Receiving Services funded by SDFSCA

Public elementary schools[2]



Public middle schools



Public senior high schools





Q1b.  Services at nonpublic schools receiving Title IV (SDFSCA) funds in the school year

1)      How many nonpublic schools provided services/activities to students?

2)      Of the students enrolled in these nonpublic schools, how many students received services that were funded in whole or in part by SDFSCA?



1) # of Schools Providing Services funded by SDFSCA

2) # of Students Receiving Services funded by SDFSCA

Nonpublic schools receiving funds




Section 2.  ATOD prevention strategies, Services and Activities Funded (Inactive)


Section 3.  Involvement

Q6  Check if, during the school year, your district involved community agencies or organizations in implementing its SDFSCA-funded ATOD and violence prevention services/activities.


            ____    Yes, community agencies or organizations involved       

                        If No, Skip to Q8


Q7  Check if the district involved schools and one or more community agencies or organizations in:



Type of Community Involvement



Joint service delivery, including referrals



Teacher/staff training



Public awareness activities






Q8  During the school year, did students in your district participate in: a) designing; b) delivering; and/or c) critiquing ATOD or violence prevention programming?  (Check as many as apply.  If your district did not involve students, do not check any of the responses.)

___         a) Yes, designing

___         b) Yes, delivering

___         c) Yes, critiquing


Section 4.  Principles of Effectiveness


Q9  Since the United States Department of Education is keenly interested in district implementation of the Principles of Effectiveness, the New Jersey Department of Education wants to learn the status of all districts with regard to designing and executing ATOD prevention programs based upon the four principles.  See the Glossary for a description of the principles. 

Indicate below the status of your district with regard to the principles: (Check only one.)

___ Would appreciate technical assistance

___ Making satisfactory progress in implementing the principles

___ Have experienced success in using the principles to design and execute our ATOD prevention program.  Would be willing to discuss serving as a model for other LEAs.

Q10  Indicate below the areas or topics in which your district would appreciate technical assistance: (Please check all that apply)

Ø      ___ Data analysis

Ø      ___ Data collection

Ø      ___ Program/Service/Activity selection

Ø      ___ Establishment of performance measures

Ø      ___ Organization and selection of the planning team for Title IV-A funds

Ø      ___ Strategies to incorporate the consultation of parents

Ø      ___ Strategies for obtaining active parental consent

Ø      ___ Comprehensive program planning

Ø      ___ Other _____________________________________________

Ø      ___  None


Q11  Intentionally left blank.

Section 5.  Referral of students

Q12 Steroid Use:  Number of students identified and referred to a school-based or outside service for steroid use.

                                                            K-8                  9-12    

School-Based Service             ____                ____

Outside Service                       ____                ____


Q13 Smoking Cessation.  Number of students referred to a smoking cessation program.


                                                            K-8                  9-12    

School-Based Service             ____                ____   

Outside Service                       ____                ____   


Q14  Alcohol and/or drug use by self or others.  Number of students referred to an alcohol or other drug school-based or outside service for reasons related to the use of alcohol or other drugs (exclude smoking cessation and steroid treatment/programs)[3]:  

                                                                                                K-8                  9-12    

School-Based Service                                                 ____                ____

Outside Service                                              

Private Physician                                               ____                ____

Clinic, Outpatient or Residential

  Treatment Facility                                           ____                ____

Group, e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous,

Al-Anon-Al-A-Teen                                         ____                ____

Section 6.     Data Use

Q15  During the  school year, how did your district use data related to youth drug use and violence to manage youth ATOD and violence prevention programs?  (Please check all that apply.)                            

Ø      ___  Assess needs

Ø      ___  Develop performance measures for the district’s SDFSCA program funds

Ø      ___  Select school and/or community-based interventions         

Ø      ___  Monitor the success of interventions in reducing ATOD use and violence

Ø      ___  Inform the public

Ø      ___  Improve program outcome measures

Ø      ___  None of the above

Q16  Indicate below the types of data your district used in its needs assessment process to develop priority problems and/or select target populations in violence and ATOD prevention:  (Please check all that apply.)

Ø      ___  Truancy data

Ø      ___  Discipline data

Ø      ___  Academic data

Ø      ___  Program, activity or curricula data

Ø      ___  Perception of social disapproval, perception of health risks or other perception data

Ø      ___  Data on age of onset of use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs

Ø      ___  Data on use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (e.g., 30-day, annual, lifetime use)

Ø      ___  Other

Ø      ___  None

Q17 During the school year, did staff in your district receive training in a) collecting data; b) analyzing data; and/or c) using data for other aspects of ATOD and Violence prevention planning? (Check as many as apply.)

            ___  No           ___  Yes   If Yes, please indicate type of training          

             ___ Collecting data

             ___  Analyzing data

             ___  Using data for other aspects of prevention planning


Thank you!

Do not mail or fax this form.  Use it only as a worksheet.

[1] Schools without grades should use the age span of their students as a guide, referencing the school type definitions in the glossary.

[2] All terms in italics are defined in the glossary.

[3]  See Frequently Asked Questions for more information.